
This page describes the dependencies of licensecc and the supported build environments.

Dependencies varies with the environment, if you’re building the library for the first time we suggest you download or set up one of the supported environments to be sure not to incur in dependency/compiler errors (you can use virtual machines , docker or lxc/lxd technologies).

The library is composed by two modules: a license generator lcc executable, that also works as a project configuration tool, and the C++ library itself licensecc (the part you have to integrate in your application).

Library licensecc dependencies

These are the dependencies of the library you have to link to your code. We try to keep them at a minimum. N.B. boost is always optional and it’s never linked to your application.

Operating System Openssl Zlib Boost2
Ubuntu 20.04 :heavy_check_mark: v1.1.1f :question: optional optional(test) 1.71
Ubuntu 18.04 :heavy_check_mark: v1.1.1 :question: optional optional(test) 1.65
Ubuntu 16.04 :heavy_check_mark: v1.0.2 :question: openssl optional(test)
Centos 7 :heavy_check_mark: v1.0.2 :question: openssl otpional(test) 1.53
Centos 8 :heavy_check_mark: compile from source 1.1.1d otpional(test) 1.61
Ubuntu 18.04-cross compile for Windows recommended 1.0.2h1 optional(test) 1.71
Windows MSVC 2017 optional1 optional(test) 1.71
Windows MinGW optional1 optional(test) 1.71

License generator executable lccgen dependencies

Operating System Openssl Zlib Boost3
Ubuntu 18.04 :heavy_check_mark: v1.1.1 :question: if openssl :heavy_check_mark: 1.65
Ubuntu 16.04 :heavy_check_mark: v1.0.2 :question: if openssl :heavy_check_mark:
Centos 7 :heavy_check_mark: v1.0.2 :question: if openssl :heavy_check_mark: 1.53
Centos 8 :heavy_check_mark: compile from source 1.1.1d :heavy_check_mark: 1.61
Ubuntu 18.04-cross compile for Win :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: 1.71
Windows MSVC 2017/2019 otpional1 :heavy_check_mark: 1.71
Windows MinGW optional1 :heavy_check_mark: 1.71

Notes: 1 If you plan to run the windows executable under Linux with wine it is necessary to use OpenSSL.

2 Boost components required to run tests unit_test_framework,system,filesystem

3 Boost is mandadory dependency of lcc executable. Components: unit_test_framework,system,filesystem